Compete, Battle and Persevere

Developing the skills of competing, battling, and persevering in hockey requires a combination of mental and physical training. Here are some ways players can work on developing these skills:

Mental Training:

Competing, battling, and persevering are all mental skills that require a player to have a strong mindset. Players can work on developing their mental toughness by:

Physical Training:

Developing these skills also requires physical training. Here are some ways players can work on developing their physical skills:

Game Situations:

Finally, players can work on developing their skills of competing, battling, and persevering by putting themselves in game situations. Here are some ways players can do this:

Lack of competitiveness or battle is usually rooted in fear.  And when we feel fear, we take action to avoid it.  Some Athletes are afraid of being aggressive due to getting injured, fear they will lose the puck battles, fear they will get knocked down, etc., so they avoid situations where these things could happen. Learning to play FEARLESS is the key to success.

According to coach Zak at, here are some situations you NEED to play fearlessly.



Battling The game just breaks down into one battle after another of one-on-one. The players that can win those are going to give you back the advantage in every situation. So it’s obviously a key to success. They have to be able to have success coming out of those battles — not only winning one-on-one battles, but being able to do it consistently against players that are bigger and stronger than them, 

How to show Tenacity, Peskiness, a Must-win Attitude and Intensity

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